Welcome to Amplifying Voices PA

To feel seen. To feel heard. To be whole.


Amplifying Voices PA was inspired by the positive emotions and conditions associated with living a more expansive life characterized by being your full, authentic self. This collective space gives us all the freedom to (re)connect or (re)claim what it means to truly be yourself (i.e., to feel seen, heard, whole) in order to honor our shared humanity and build meaningful connection across Pennsylvania.

Even if you face racism, sexism, heterosexism, inequity, grief, and other forms of trauma and disconnection, Amplifying Voices PA is an inclusive space for you to honor yourself for the ways you have survived and planted seeds of hope and joy along the way.

How it Works

Amplifying Voices PA is all about storytelling and community-building amplified by your authentic voice: A short video clip of your lived experience and what helps you come alive.

There are three, simple, open-ended questions in a clip. Upload a video of you answering some or all of the questions.

Your video will be added to our website with other Pennsylvanians who have submitted video clips.

Explore your community: See what others have shared, and invite your community to join Amplifying Voices PA. The questions are simple, but the answers are limitless because you are limitless!


To feel seen. Can you recall a time when someone was genuinely interested in you/noticed you?

To feel heard. How can/have others helped you feel heard?

To be whole. Who/what inspires you to be your full, authentic self?

Ready to Amplify Your Voice?

Join Amplifying Voices PA to show our fellow Pennsylvanians how to create inclusive spaces where everyone can be their full, authentic selves.